Mar 28, 2021

Have you met our Brand Ambassadors, yet?

Posted by aastha kalia

Posted by aastha kalia

All Real nutrition supports real people who are working towards creating a real impact in the community.
People who lead healthy and clean lifestyles and want to motivate others to do the same.
You might have seen these brand ambassadors on our social media and we thought it's about time you get introduced to these superstars!

1. Shane Finn:
Shane is an endurance athlete, TedX speaker, top podcaster, and fitness coach!
He's been with us since the beginning, even before we launched All Real nutrition!
One of those people who always believed in the brand even when others did not and for that, we're eternally grateful!
Shane's podcast pushing limits is the top fitness podcast in Ireland, where he talks about running, health, fitness, and much more!

2. Finn Mellon
Finn currently holds the Irish national wave title and has been windsurfing since he was about 13 years old. A student at IT Sligo, he's been associated with us since 2017. Extremely passionate about windsurfing he finds it easy getting up before sunrise, or missing out on a night out just so he can be fresh for the next day of waves. Love what you do and you never work a day in your life.. right?

3. Grace Lynch
Grace is an ace runner and the first female ambassador to come on board. The Kerry girl grew up on a farm and loves the outdoors! Which makes her extremely conscious about sustainability and urges everyone to do their bit to look after the world. She believes that using local ingredients and supporting local farmers and businesses is the key to sustainability.

4. Evan Lynch
A sports nutrition specialist there's nothing about food and nutrition that he doesn't know!
A fountain of knowledge we often consult with him on how to keep our bars 100% natural and get his seal of approval for any new product development.

5. Tom Moriarty
At just 18 years of age, Tom has achieved more than what most people would in a lifetime! He's a cycling champion in the Irish junior category and has been cycling since he was 9. He's still in school and balances a flourishing sports career as well! We can't wait to see what he accomplishes in the future!

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Real Food

We make our protein bars with 12 or less simple natural ingredients.

We mix our Milk Protein blend with a mixture of nut pieces and freshly ground nut butter, then add it to a blend of honey, chicory, dates, sea salt and natural flavouring.

“The best protein bars on the go! Healthy, tasty and so reliable!”

Marina G.

Verified Customer